Fax: (860) 430-9693
Glastonbury, CT 06033
If you suffer from an acute sports injury, or from chronic pain due to a ligament, tendon or muscle injury such as a sprain, strain or tendinitis, therapeutic home ultrasound treatment in Glastonbury, CT might be able to help relieve the pain and stimulate natural healing non-invasively.
Ultrasound is sound waves with frequencies that are beyond the range of the human ear to hear. There are two main types of ultrasound used in medicine: diagnostic and therapeutic.
Diagnostic ultrasound is used to see tissues and structures beneath the skin to look for injury or structural abnormalities. It is also routinely used in obstetrics to evaluate a growing baby while still inside the womb, commonly known as a “sonogram.”
Therapeutic ultrasound, on the other hand, is used to help treat an injury, reduce or alleviate pain, and improve range of motion and function. Therapeutic ultrasound is commonly performed in physical therapy to treat a patient after joint surgery.
Some of the limitations of therapeutic ultrasound when performed by physical therapists, however, are that you get the treatment only when seeing the therapist, typically only once or twice a week. The treatment by the therapist typically only lasts about 10 minutes each—way too little time to have a meaningful effect on more chronic problems. Plus, you are inconvenienced by having to go to the therapist’s office for each treatment.
At the New England Stem Cell Institute, we have the ability to deliver therapeutic ultrasound for 4 or more hours a day, every day, in your home or work!
The revolutionary sam® Sport therapeutic ultrasound unit is an FDA-cleared device that you wear. You apply one or two patches to the target area. The rechargeable ultrasound generator, which is smaller than a deck of cards, generates up to 4 hours of painless, continuous pulsed ultrasound per charge. The generator clips to your belt or slips into your pocket.