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Treating Golfer's Elbow – Glastonbury, CT

Relief for Chronic Elbow Pain

Hand in golfer's glove holding elbow

Golfer’s elbow, medically referred to as medial epicondylitis, is a form of chronic tendinitis that affects the tendons in your hands and wrists and causes pain in the bony part of your elbow. While associated with golfers, any repetitive motion like those required for racket sports or construction work can stress the muscles and tendons in your hands and/or wrist and lead to chronic tendinitis. You don’t have to play golf to develop golfer’s elbow! If you’re experiencing persistent elbow pain, Dr. Paul Tortland at New England Stem Cell Institute can help you find the most appropriate solutions for treating golfer's elbow in Glstonbury, CT to reduce your discomfort.

What are the Symptoms of Golfer’s Elbow?

Elbow with animation of bones

Symptoms of golfer’s elbow typically include pain and tenderness over the joint of the elbow. You can also experience pain and weakness when you try to grab something or while doing various tasks, or you could feel numbness and tingling that radiates into your fingers.

How is Golfer’s Elbow Diagnosed?

Doctor scanning elbow

The team at New England Stem Cell Institute will perform a thorough exam when you come to the office with elbow pain. During your evaluation, our team reviews your symptoms and examines your elbow. To confirm or rule out golfer’s elbow, we will often recommend an ultrasound. We may also recommend an X-ray to rule out a fracture as the underlying cause of your pain.

What are the Treatments for Golfer’s Elbow?

Doctor administering an injection

The team at New England Stem Cell Institute takes a conservative approach at first for the management of golfer’s elbow. Your treatment can include physical therapy and changes to your daily activities. The team might also recommend an elbow brace to reduce your symptoms, but the brace won’t support the healing process. If you fail to get relief from your elbow pain after conservative treatments like these, the team at New England Stem Cell Institute could then suggest regenerative medicine procedures like:


During prolotherapy, the team injects a special solution consisting of dextrose and Novocaine™ into your elbow to stimulate your body’s natural repair process.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

PRP is a substance the team creates from your own blood. It contains your body’s natural healing properties, including platelets, growth factors, and specialized cells. Like prolotherapy, PRP is injected into your elbow to accelerate the healing.

Combined PRP and Prolotherapy

In some cases, prolotherapy can be combined with PRP to improve your golfer’s elbow.

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